Monday, May 10, 2010

More Knossos Pictures

This is a storage room. The walkway would have been lined with oil lamps. The giant jar in the center would have contained olive oil or wine. During the earthquakes in 1450 B.C. the casks were overturned and the lamps caught the spilled wine and oil on fire. You can see evidence of the fire on the blackened stone on the left side.
Reconstruction of bullhorns. We know from frescoes that these horns would have lined the walls. The bull was important as a fertility symbol.
Giant pots used to carry honey, wine, and other trade goods.
Part of the drainage system at Knossos

This was a difficult picture to get, but these are clay pipes from before 1700 BC. On the right you can sort of make out how they were fitted together.

See, it's like a labyrinth.
The Minoans used ornamental peacock feathers in their headdresses. Below is a peacock wandering around Knossos.
"Queen's Room" decorated with dolphins.
Grand Staircase leading to the King and Queen's quarters. Staircases were difficult to do in the ancient world. It's quite spectacular, the level of skill involved.
Minoan throne room. The throne is original and made of Alabaster.


  1. I figured out Linear A. Thanks for the pic!

    Bull jumping was like a rodeo? So the Minoans were rednecks?

  2. So what did it say?

    I don't know if the Minoans were rednecks. It was just a whole lot more like the rodeo than it was like a bull fight.

  3. You try to avoid your neck turning red when you have to spend all day in the sun jumping over bulls!

    Please share the secret of Linear A with us. What did the disc say? Was it full of ancient wisdom or was it a recipe for moonshine?
